Thursday, January 31, 2008

hiak hiak hiak...

forgotten where I received this picture from... but it certainy brings a smile whenever I see it! [hope you enjoy it as much as i do]
speaking of malicious people! Huh!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FLC DP - Pulau Ubin OBS Photos??

Dear fellow FLCs,

If you're looking for photos taken with my camera at the OBS.... please visit my Facebook!

I'd probably have sent you an email invitation already lah!


Monday, January 28, 2008

happy day, hubby and me

today is a very special day for me. not only is it hubby's birthday i've received my license to solemnize marriages!

it is a tall order indeed.

being married for 8 years now... i have so much to share with couples-to-be, the ups and downs that is inevitable, etc etc etc.

having gone thru a not-so-smooth period myself, i realise how important it is to have a support and someone you can talk to when the marriage hits the rough patches. your own parents may not always be the appropriate people cos no matter how, they are YOUR parents, and for me, I wouldn't want them to think any less of my husband at all! sometimes all you need is someone who is ready to listen to you, who need not give you any advice, but just someone whom you know you can count on for confidentiality and non-prejudiced against anyone.

nonetheless, i feel honoured and blessed to be able to give my blessings to couples! that is something so precious and dear! i sure hoped my own ROM was more memorable and creative than it had been...

p/s: we had a little celebration dinner after his work, and expensive chocolates as gifts! yes, just 2 of us ...

Monday, January 7, 2008

What is a Family Life Champion?

A Family Life Champion (FLC) is a grassroots leader appointed by the Citizen Consultative Committee (CCC) Chairman in the constituency to champion and promote family life in the community. 84 FLCs were appointed since March 2005.

With these appointments, there is a conscious effort in the community to recognize and celebrate family life. Being community leaders and are closest to the residents, FLCs are in the best position to champion the promotion of family life in the community.

The annual FLC Award Programme was launched in August 2005 to recognise the efforts of grassroots leaders who take the lead to promote family life in their constituencies.

To champion the notion of celebrating marriages, 34 FLCs have been appointed as licensed solemnisers since 24 August 2005.

~ adapted from